Five Ways To ReVamp Your Sitting Room (Updated
I started updating this series a couple of weeks ago as I think the ideas are still valid (with new products) and it's about giving you a few ideas, or five ways, to revamp a room that won't break the bank. We started with the hall with a five simple and affordable ways to give that room a new lease of life without spending a fortune. This week we're moving into the sitting room with five easy tricks to ring the changes. This is a good one to do seasonally as well as when you're bored and can't afford a huge renovation.
vintage coffee table, inherited sofa and antique chaise longue at
Now, as with the kitchen ideas, this is governed by your budget so you can buy silk cushions or cotton, vintage rugs or high street kilims. It's entirely up to you. So the first thing I am going to suggest is look at your LIGHTING. You can do this in a number of ways. Firstly, have you got the right lighting and I wrote about that here. Assuming you have been paying attention, and you…